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 For so many today will give Thanks..To friends and to family...Although theres many...Who don't have any..It's for them this day should be shared..You see For so long..Nobody has truly cared..The ones with so much..They run and they run..Can they slow down..To see  what they've become..Lawyers..Doctors.. Nurses and all  the rest..Do they not see..How truly they are blessed..Having the chance to Thank and to Give..Is what he intended..And how we should all  live.. For the ones who cannot..and not of their will..This day is for you..However one feels..Forget about race..color or creed..Help someone out..Theres now so many who truly do need..Forget what ones learned..Forget what you think..The world were now in..Is so close to the brink..Lend out a hand..Do what one can..However your living..Just close your eyes and open your heart..and for all.. Happy Thanksgiving..

DAY~103/ You Lost:Time to Concede

 It's with happiness and Glee I write about day One hundred and three...The people have spoken..Millions have voted and now are awoken..It wasnt enough as half the country voted for you..It's time  to concede which we know you wont do..It's time to now heal although you dont feel..I used to admire your drive and your will..Now your just empty with a big ego to fill..You can have all the money the houses,planes and the cars..Look in the mirror do you know who you are..You are President of the United States in the end just divided and taught us more hate..You said let's make America great how could that happen as you belittle and berate..So many gave there lives for our freedom through their fight..It now let's me say this as i am Free to just write..This country is for all not just for you..Freedoms the right to pick and then choose..Can you do now one simple deed..Your the president you lost now just concede..If not for your loyal band of followers..Then for your wi

DAY~102/COUNT THEM All and then say goodbye

 It's now onto Day one hundred and two..All days in between,It's been awhile..and today..It seems now you are through..No compassion for the people...Cost you your job..240,000 dead..and their loved  ones..left empty..and feeling robbed..You are about only you..Always have been.. through and through..And of course.. You won't accept the count..of the people's vote...Why should you..Losers can't gloat..You had a choice to make..Which path to walk on..Which one to take..It never was about the people..Or to stop the virus to it's end..until it was through..Even today you still think..It's no worse than the flu..Democracy is what it's called..You should be ashamed of all your lies..As now most of us..Looking at you..Are appalled..You never tell the truth..just demean and divide..Instead your just forcing..All of us to choose a side.. We are a free country.. for many reasons..And one is free will..If you had your way.. Even that you somehow.. Would try to  ki


 A quick turnaround.. for I now write again..Day one hundred and one..Is now here..and with it..we realize our biggest fear..He wouldn't wear masks..Took others for wearing them..To task..Yes Mr President.. we wish you the best..but also we ask..why didn't you..get us more tests..Yes..we want you to get well..but why did it take you so long..To ring the viruses berate.. instigate..and call it just the flu..Yes..please get better..But it havnt a clue..Yes..this may be harsh..and hard..for you to hear..maybe though now.. you will listen..and will realize..The virus..did not dissappear..This virus is real..not just to be used..For political feel..200,000..of us have died..all the kept chiding.. seemingly..To divide..Twitter.. tweet..make fun our great highly at risk..who else in your circle..will go down..because of's not just this fight for our should of been different..if you


 It's now Day one hundred..It took awhile..To write again..So much to say..About now and then..First up..I want to say.. We lost a great.. supreme court justice..She was one of the best..Always fought for what's right..Every day..And every night..We will miss you..ARE..EYE..PEA.. Miss R.G..B...Now onto the first debate..Can anyone tell me..What that was..Or why..Or because..Next one..They SHUD call it..Onto you I  berate..Instead of The Presidential debate..We are supposed to vote..For one of these two..Amongst this circus..And madhouse..Maybe instead..We all should vote.. For Mickey Mouse..Watching two grown men..One already the leader..A liar..And a cheater..The other..Not much better..But at least for now.. He won't demand..His name.. On a check enclosed.. Stimulus letter..It's all so surreal.. As we all have no clue..What now to believe...Or what to feel..One must win.. The other will lose..Although regardless..It's not much of a choice..From those two..For us t

DAY 99~The Kentucky Derby in September not May

 Day ninety nine is now here..A virus claimed a tradition that comes year after year. I will go outside the normal news and share with you my views..For i am a lifelong fan cheering as the horses run as fast as they can..Today is Kentucky Derby Day.. Now in September not the first week of May..A world upside down with 100 year tradition now moved around..It does not feel the same as a  once proud tradition is now a dying game...Raise a mint julep have a few beers its surreal to have the Derby this time of the year..I have memories aplenty with a lifetime of stories..Wins and losses all in seperate categories.. Seems for today something is lost..We all now blame as we pay the viruses cost..We will bet to get a piece of  history no matter what day..Though the derby in September will forever belong only in May..It's horse racings run for the roses for those in the know..100,000 would attend..Now are forbidden to even go..Sports with no spectators..Horse racings empty grandstands..Leav

DAYS~90-98/USPS,Votes,And my friend

I'm back..missed two weeks..time to state some facts..It's now Days ninety through ninety eight..and the USPS.. although proud.. is no longer great..the attacks on the office and post..seem only to be now political..strictly to get votes..A system losing not just millions..The past 15 years..The numbers in billions..A USPS the losses have shown..Now he just worries and states..if allowed..It will be the biggest fraud ever known..I have a question for both sides..How can none of you See..The huge losses..where's your American pride..Seems in the wake of this virus..Lines have been drawn.. Nobody seems to now know..Right.. from now Even Wrong..Can anybody now win..With this the state it is now in..Children told..To go back to school..Smart..or are we just fools..One side says hide..The other side..divides..wait for a Deaths keep mounting..denied. yet forseen..we now walk down the street..and only see half a face..yet we're